The Greatest Show on British Wheels

The Greatest Show on British Wheels

Up North in Beautiful Vancouver, B.C. It’s the All British Event Not To Be Missed!



It’s a pas­sion for clas­sic British built cars and motor­cy­cles that fires up the annu­al nos­tal­gia fest that has come to be known as The Great­est Show on British Wheels — All British Field Meet 2013.




The col­ors and flo­ral beau­ty of the host venue, Van Dusen Botan­i­cal Gar­den pro­vides a mag­nif­i­cent set­ting to com­pli­ment over 600 clas­sics on dis­play and over 6,000 enthu­si­asts in attendance .

This event is the largest of its kind in West­ern Cana­da where you can expect to see a huge vari­ety of cars and motor­cy­cles dis­played in 61 sep­a­rate class­es from tiny Austin’s and Mini’s to state­ly Rolls Royce’s and Bent­leys in addi­tion to a large show­ing of nim­ble sports cars, mod­i­fied and race cars.

Vincent rapide bike


Record dis­plays of this year’s fea­tured mar­que cars will be dis­played to hon­or a cen­tu­ry of Aston Mar­tin, 60 years of Austin-Healey, 100 years of Mor­ris Motors and 85 years of Vin­cent motorcycles.




The cel­e­bra­tion begins on Fri­day May 17 with a  Nog­gin ‘n Nat­ter-style recep­tion and silent auc­tion held in the archi­tec­tural­ly British Aber­corn Hotel from 6.00pm to 9.00pm. This is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to relax and con­nect with fel­low clas­sic car enthu­si­asts, enjoy the gen­er­ous recep­tion food, have a drink with friends plus pick up reg­is­tra­tion packs and a pos­si­ble bar­gain bid at the 100 item silent auction.




The cel­e­bra­tion con­tin­ues  on Sat­ur­day May 18 on the lawns of Van Dusen  with brass, jazz and pipe band music, con­ces­sions, swap meet stands, artist’s gallery, clas­sic car sem­i­nars and sponsors/vendors booths plus the lat­est deal­er ‘future clas­sic’ mod­els, all com­ple­ment­ing the spec­tac­u­lar dis­play of clas­sic British machin­ery.   A very spe­cial gar­den par­ty for enthu­si­asts and those mere­ly look­ing for a walk down mem­o­ry lane.


If you own a British car, join in the fun and reg­is­ter online or email for the event brochure. There are many great prizes for entrants and the attend­ing pub­lic such as a trip for two to Britain with Vir­gin Atlantic, A trip to the Yukon with Air North plus you could win a set of Yoko­hama tires, a Jaguar week­end for two in Whistler or a garage floor make-over worth $2,000.00.

Youngtimer Entrant Award

If you are enter­ing a car or motor­cy­cle and you are 25 or younger, check the applic­a­ble box on the entry form for con­sid­er­a­tion by the ABFM judges.



Don’t have a British Car — Join the Fun and Fes­tiv­i­ties Anyway

If you would like to attend the event with­out enter­ing a vehi­cle, sim­ply pay at the gate on Sat­ur­day May 18, 2013 or get your advance tick­ets online . Open to the pub­lic from 10.00am to 4.30pm.

Featured Marques for 2013

The Great­est Show on British Wheels will pay spe­cial trib­ute to 100 years of Aston Mar­tin, a cen­tu­ry of Mor­ris Motors Ltd., and 85 years of Vin­cent motor­cy­cles on the Vic­to­ria Day Week­end, Sat­ur­day May 18, 2013. For Fea­tured Mar­ques, read more below banner.

Mem­o­ra­bil­ia, man­u­als, lit­er­a­ture, new and used parts for every make of British-built vehicles.

The All British Field Meet also includes a swap meet, car cor­ral and exhibitor vendors.


Western Driver mag logo


Featured Marques for 2013

The Great­est Show on British Wheels, staged each Vic­to­ria Day week­end in Vancouver’s mag­nif­i­cent Van Dusen Botan­i­cal Gar­den, will pay spe­cial trib­ute to 100 years of Aston Mar­tin, a cen­tu­ry of Mor­ris Motors Ltd., and 85 years of Vin­cent motor­cy­cles on the Vic­to­ria Day Week­end, Sat­ur­day May 18, 2013.


Aston Mar­tin DB5, for­ev­er linked with James Bond fever.

Aston Martin

But the real Aston Mar­tin sto­ry began 100 years ear­li­er on Jan­u­ary 15, 1913, when two Eng­lish­men, Robert Bam­ford and Lionel Mar­tin, found­ed Bam­ford & Mar­tin, the com­pa­ny that would man­u­fac­ture Aston.


Aston Mar­tin Ulster, one of the most respect­ed pre-war racecars.

Aston Martin racer


Mar­tin pio­neered the com­pa­ny though the pre-war years with vin­tage mod­els like the Ulster, estab­lish­ing the rep­u­ta­tion of the mar­que by tak­ing third place in the 1935 Twen­ty Four Hours of LeMans race.


The mighty Mor­ris Minor—best-selling Mor­ris ‘jel­ly-mould’ econ­o­my car.

Morris Minor

William Mor­ris (Lord Nuffield ) found­ed the com­pa­ny in 1912 and quick­ly built a rep­u­ta­tion for qual­i­ty at com­pet­i­tive prices, tak­ing over from Ford in 1924 as the U.K.’s biggest car man­u­fac­tur­er with a 51 per cent share of the home mar­ket. There are prob­a­bly not that many sur­viv­ing pre-war mod­els in the Pacif­ic North­west, but the post-war (1948–1971) Issigo­nis-designed Mor­ris Minors saw more than one-mil­lion built with a large num­ber export­ed to North Amer­i­ca, so expect to see a good show­ing at VanDusen.


Morris Minor grill-Hutchins photo


1935 Mor­ris 8 grille dis­plays City of Cow­ley emblem. Pho­to: Cam Hutchins.



Vincent rapide bike

1939 Vin­cent Rapi­de. Pho­to: R. Smith.

Always a favourite at ABFM the motor­cy­cle class con­tin­ues to expand with more than 30 on dis­play last year. Much of this is due to the ded­i­ca­tion and hard work of the British Motor­cy­cle Own­ers Club (BMOC) mem­bers who con­sis­tent­ly put on a great fea­ture exhibition.


For more details on the fea­tured mar­ques at the All British Field Meet in Van­cou­ver, B.C. — READ HERE .



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